Our Facilities And Our Approach
The European Language Center uses multiple facilities in and around Brussels. This means that no matter in which part of the city a student decides to live during his stay, we will do our best to our best to reduce the travel distance between the student’s home and the classroom. Since recently – for the convenience of the student – we even offer the service to arrange individual classes at home.
No matter where a training will take place, all classrooms are of a modern standard and well equipped to host up to 12 students each. However, cours groups will be smaller in most cases in order to guarantee a perfect learning experience to our students.
All of our courses are given by highly qualified teachers that do not only know the language they teach, but also have the motivation to bring it closer to you!
To show you how much you have improved during your stay, you will sit an exam at your very first and at your very last day of class.
If your result correspond to our evaluation criteria, you will receive a certificate of participation, certifying that you have successfully followed a language course with us.
As you know, such certificates and extracurricular activities might make the difference between you and another applicant when it comes to getting hired for your dream job in a couple of years.